The A-Z of What's On

 There is wide variety of groups that use the hall and the church, please contact them directly for more information. A brief overview of all the groups  that run in the Church Centre and Church. 

Coffee-Morning1 0

(Bi-Monthly) Coffee Mornings

Why not come and have coffee or tea and cake with us for a social morning.
Join us playing scrabble, or bring your crafting for a chat.  ALL WELCOME!

Held bi-monthly on the second Saturday of the month, 10am-12pm in the Church Centre.

Cherubs Logo for FB (Blue Back
Cherubs Parent and Toddler Group

Cherubs runs on a Friday morning from 9:30am to 11.15am in the Church Centre.
No need to book, all welcome. (Please ring the door bell and someone will let you in).

For more information see their website and  on their Facebook page.

Citizens Advice Bus - Alternate Thursdays

P6260056Colehill Community Cafe

Coffee and Cake from 10.30am, and Lunches from 12pm until 1.30pm. All welcome!

Our Community Cafe is held in the Main Hall every Wednesday (except Christmas, Easter and Summer Holidays) and provides reasonably priced meals.

For more information click here.

Choir LogoColehill Community Choir

Colehill Community Choir is a five part non-auditioning community choir who meet every Thursday at 7:30pm till 9:00pm in the Church. It is not essential to read music, but does help. They have several performances each year in aid of local charities. £3 per adults and £1 for children. All welcome.

For more information email or telephone 01202 842311

writing-1240442Colehill Writers Group

Colehill Writers Group offers a safe and encouraging environment where members write together. We share our work if we wish to, but the aim is to inspire and support each other, rather than offering detailed critical feedback.

We meet monthly in The Alec Moore Room at St. Michael's Church Centre, from 1.15 p.m. to 4.00 p.m. on the third Friday. The group is self-supporting, so there is a small monthly charge to cover costs. We are open to all and new members are welcome, but numbers are limited to twelve.
Please email Ian Nicholson at if you wish to join us.


BuddhismEast Dorset Buddhism Group
Group meets for meditation and discussion in the Alec Moore Room on the second and fourth Thursdays of each month between 10.30am and 12.30pm.

The meeting begins with a 30 minute period of sitting meditation which is preceded and concluded by some brief chanting. For those new to meditation there is the possibility of basic instruction. The group then usually reads a Buddhist publication which is discussed informally, or occasionally a tape by a Buddhist teacher is listened to and then discussed. Meetings may end with a further short period of meditation. No experience is necessary to attend meetings and anyone interested will be made welcome.  For more information contact Steve 01202 880661

(or how to get the best out of a book).

This group meets to discuss novels and occasionally a poem or play,
looking at context, literary style and conventions. We meet on the
first Monday of the month 2pm-3.30pm in the Alec Moore Room.
We have room for one or two more members.
Elspeth 01725 517581

Colehill Food Bank Logo - PrinFoodbank Hub - This Service is on Hold
St Michael's runs a Foodbank Hub on Wednesdays 1.30pm to 3pm in the Alec Moore Room, in St Michael’s Church Centre, where you can now exchange your voucher.
Donations are gratefully received and can be left at the Church Centre 10am-12pm Monday to Friday. (These will be shared between Colehill and Wimborne Foodbanks).
For more information click here.

Classic logo SQ-01Footlight Classic Kids - Wednesday 4-5pm

Dance classes for pre-school, reception age children, and year 1 students:
BABY BALLET; Skipping hopping and twirling like a real ballerina
MINI MODERN DANCE: Co-ordination and control, using the entire body  with lovely music.
TINIES TAP: a fun dance style that focuses on musicality using the sounds of their feet. 


FootlightsFootlight Performance Academy

Wednesday 5-6pm and Friday 4-6pm

For children of all ages held at St Michaels Church Centre on Wednesdays and Fridays.

For further information please visit their website or facebook page

image0Footlight Fabulous Feet - Thursday 10.30-11.30

This program was designed with our smallest dancers in mind so that you know they are learning age appropriate material that is designed to aid their development as well as make the excited about dance.
Spaces now available for children walking to aged 3. 

Contact: for more details


Thursday 9.30-10.30am 

This is a new full body aerobic workout based on a range of different dance styles with easy to follow steps. Created by Darcey Bussell and Nathan Clarke it is fun, entertaining and stimulates the body and mind.

The aim of DDMIX is to get people moving without being intimidated by the word ‘dance’ or the technicality of the steps, but instead to give a full body workout that is such fun that you don’t even notice that you are ‘exercising’. With the vast number of dance styles around the world to choose from, no one will ever get bored! Our existing genres include the 1960’s, Line Dance, Bollywood, 1970’s Disco, African, Greek and Scottish and many more – you will always find something to enjoy.
Contact: for more details

MUMother's Union Prayer Group
The Mothers’ Union which is an organisation of over 3.6 million members, women and men, living in over 78 countries, who believe in the importance of families. As well as encouraging and supporting families and marriage, members work to reach out as God’s family to change lives and bring Christ’s hope to those who are isolated, in trouble or in need. This prayer group branch comes under the umbrella of the Mothers’ Union of the Salisbury Diocese.

St Michael's Mother's Union Prayer Group meets at 2.30pm on the 2nd Thursday of every month, except August. 
There is also a monthly communion service is held at 10.30am on the first Wednesday of every month.
New members welcome, please contact Di Shove for more information. 01202 855024

Logo ImageMove Beyond

Kaye Woodgate "I have developed my own method of teaching Movement Therapy drawing on Pilates, Pilates Therapy, Yoga, somatic movement modalities and many more. I am a qualified Restore Your Core® teacher which is a fabulous way to rehabilitate our cores and pelvic floors."  See website for details:

Monday Mornings in the Main Hall 11.30 - 12.30pm

QJQQuarterjack Quilters

Quarterjack Quilters is a Wimborne-based group of enthusiastic, friendly quilters who meet twice a month on Friday evenings to share ideas and learn new skills.  

Our programme includes workshops run by well known outside experts as well as skilled members of the Group.

For more information see their website.

SWSlimming World

'Lose weight and feel great'

Come along and join Karen every Thursday evening at 6pm and Saturday morning at 9am to see how Slimming World can support you to maintain a healthy weight for life! You will be amazed at what you CAN achieve!! A warm welcome awaits you. Do it today, a decision you will not regret!

Call Karen on 07957234839


TappyToes-resized--78Tappy Toes Wimborne

Tappy Toes baby, toddler and pre school dance classes are a great way to introduce our youngsters to exercise at an early age. We run award winning, fun and active dancing classes for children aged 6 months to 5 years. 
Classes on Tuesday mornings. Click here for their Website   
Contact Brooke Email: wimborne@tappytoes.comPhone: 07729999392

Wimborne CameraWimborne Camera Club
Wimborne Camera Club are a friendly club with a varied annual programme and an emphasis on encouraging our members to improve their knowledge and practice of photography.  They have  regular interesting and informative speakers, often a great opportunity to learn from their knowledge or experience.

The club meets on Monday evenings at 7.30pm from September through to April. For further information,  please visit their website or facebook page.

WIWomen's Institute: Stitch Craft Group 
Among their various activities, the Women's Institute  hold a stitch-craft group, which meets in the Alec Moore Room of the Church Centre on the 1st and 3rd Monday mornings.  "Individually we have crafts we all prefer to do, be it beadwork, embroidery, knitting etc (anything really craft related) but on occasions we all work on a WI project together if there is something we can use within the Institute.  At the present time we are making bunting for Colehill Parish Council to use around the village for the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee and table decorations for our WI Jubilee party." April 2022
Women's Institute regular meetings are held at 7.30pm on the 2nd Wednesday of each month at Colehill Village Hall.  We usually have a speaker or activity and there is always time for a cup of tea or coffee and a chat.  Visitors are welcome and if you’d like to contact us beforehand please email us at

YogaYoga Tone & Relax 

Yoga sessions run by Karen on Tuesday and Thursday evenings in the Alec Moore Room
Stretching for Seniors on Monday's, 1.30 - 2.30pm in the Alec Moore Room
Yoga for Seniors on Monday's, 2.45 - 3.45pm in the Alec Moore Room
Stretching for Seniors on Wednesday's, 10.30 - 11.30am in the Alec Moore Room

 Booking is essential, class sizes are kept to nine to ensure individual attention. For more information, please contact Karen, tel. 07717776680  or email:

Image Credit:
Art Group:  created by freepik
Coffee Drop In: Background photo created by freepik